Wings and Things: Insect Encounters
Join us for Wings and Things: Insect Encounters, a captivating series of programs designed to take families on an exciting journey into the fascinating world of insects! We are thrilled to partner with the renowned Butterfly Pavilion from Westminster, Colorado, to bring this unique educational experience to our community.
The topic for this presentation is True Invertebrate Tales with live insect demonstration! Through the art of storytelling, we embark on a journey into the captivating realm of mysterious invertebrates, shedding light on their often overlooked but invaluable presence in the natural world. By recounting real-life encounters with these enigmatic creatures, this program invites audiences to delve into the depths of their fascinating lives, unveiling the intricacies of their behavior, the marvel of their adaptations, and the significance of their roles within ecosystems.
- Tickets are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- If you have any questions about this program, please email
- If registration is closed, stop by the Information Desk the day of the event to see if there are still spots open for the program