Big Changes at the VNC!

With the summer quickly approaching and our busy season on the horizon, we’re ready for another year full of excitement for thousands of guests from around the world to enjoy! To make sure that as many visitors as possible get to enjoy the Park, we’ve taken on a thrilling new endeavor of expanding our main parking lot at the Visitor & Nature Center! After months of planning, the wheels are finally spinning, and we couldn’t be more excited! In the past few weeks alone, soil samples have been taken to ensure that the very literal groundwork can get started; perimeter fencing has been erected; and construction crews have set up their mobile office on-site to ensure easy access to the job site.

The primary goal behind the parking lot expansion is not only to provide guests additional spots to park their vehicles before embarking on their Garden adventures, but also to give our tour partners their own designated space for their tour vehicles and trailers; it’s a win-win, and we can’t wait to see the finished product!

As with most large-scale projects, it can be hard to nail down a specific timeline, but we’ll be sure to keep everyone updated as to the progress of the project and how things are going, so be on the lookout for that! In the meantime, we appreciate your support and patience as we navigate this exciting change together, and we hope that you’re looking forward to it as much as we are!

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