Exciting things are happening in Garden of the Gods Park this Fall!

Exciting things are happening in Garden of the Gods Park this Fall! Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Service, Colorado Springs Fire Department, and Colorado Springs Utilities, will be working hard to improve fire safety, enhance accessible parking and routes, and upgrade restroom facilities throughout the park. This project is anticipated to begin in September…

Birds of the Park

Red-tailed Hawk Scientific Classification:Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AvesOrdeo·: Falconifomes (or Accipitriformes)Family: AccipitridaeGenus: ButeoSpecies: Buteo jamaicensisLength: 19″Wing Span: 49″Weight: 2.4 lb (1,080 g)The red-tailed hawk can be seen flying high above the Garden of the Gods park, but most commonly observed flying around Gray Rock. Prairie Falcon Scientific Classification:Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AvesOrdeo·: Falconifomes (or Accipitriformes)Family: FalconidaeGenus: FalcoSpecies:…